[Video] Amanda Grace - Better Life
Along with gearing up for the release of her highly anticipated single, Grace recently reached #2 on the charts for Upcoming100.com’s “Emerging Artists” category for her song “Los Angeles”
WINONA, MINNESOTA—According to this talented singer/songwriter, she’s looking forward to dropping her latest single in the New Year. It’s definitely a love song of sorts combined with a pop/rock feel mixed with rich vocals and thought-provoking lyrics.
“I wrote it around my own relationship. I wished there was a better story behind it,” joked Grace. “I’ve been married for 13 years. I’m also a mom two kids, ages 10 and 6. Honestly, I wrote it in such a blur, but for people who’ve heard it, they loved it. The producer I worked with did a really good job capturing my voice. I can’t wait to see how other people react to the single.”
Along with finishing her new single, she recently became a member of the Grammys. She also recently entered her very first musical competition at Upcoming100.com which landed her in the #2 spot for nearly a month in the “emerging artists” category for her single “Los Angeles.”
“When I visited L.A., I was feeling what other people were feeling here. It’s such a busy, busy city. There are all these people trying to make it. It’s such a hope-filled city filled with disappointment at the same time,” explained Grace. “People are just trying to find the strength they need to keep pursuing their dreams. That’s what the song really is about. In fact when I went out to LA, I was dealing with the sudden news that my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. As our family had already been through some of this, I was very hesitant to go. However, if I wouldn't have gone the song might not of been written; as I wrote the lyrics just as I was about to board my plane in the airport in LA. Now three months later, we have received news that she is doing well with her cancer battle and it is currently undetectable. To say the least we party like its NYE every day; she's our living miracle.”
During the competition, more than 15,000 people cast their votes for Grace’s song—a number she was humbled by.
“It’s taken a number of years to build up that fan base. It was also inspiring to me to see how much people cared and to see how much support I have,” expressed Grace.
As for her upcoming single, she says she hopes it is eventually part of a bigger project. But in the meantime, she hopes to continue inspiring people with her music.
“When people hear my music, I hope people take away the message of hope. You do need music for dark days,” stated Grace.
To learn more about Grace, visit her at www.musicbyamandagrace.com.