YUNG GWAPA Indy artist from south side of Chicago , due to release his 3rd Offical mixtape of his career witch he considers his break through project ! Indy artist gwapa carries his independent label titled BLACKHEART witch he has few artist under that's also working on new projects at the time ,, gwapa has been around for a Lil while and have worked with some heavy names in the music industry from Dj's to artist . JUNE20th his mixtape TL2 will hit the streets and media hard with a impact , gwapa states in interviews that this project with be for the streets and give that street that real street music vibe , he also states that he seems like he's in his own lane and has very much to prove.

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Connect w/ Yung Gwapa AND 1Way Street:
@yunggwapa |
gokrazygwapa |